Developer Tutorials, Panels, Conferences Talks, and Open Source Contributions.

TEchnical Writing

Developer Docs home

TBD, Docs Home


Build a decentralized application on the Web5 platform - in under 5 minutes.


From decentralized identifiers to verifiable credentials, I worked on building out all Web5 and SSI documentation for TBD (Block)

Self-Sovereign Identity Service (RESTful web service):

Decentralized Web Nodes:

Tech Ref / API Reference Guide

TBD, Web5 API, DWN Records

Sample Apps

Simple ToDo App in Web5

Web5 in 5 minutes

Product LAunch parties and Conferences

WeAreDevelopers World Congress Conf, Berlin

Dev Rel Lead (booth) with Angie Jones (manager) speaking on main stage and panel

Bitcoin Conf Miami, TBD Launch

Dev Rel Lead at conference launch party

TEchnical TAlks and Videos

Twitter Spaces, Panel Speaker

Speaking on all things Verifiable Credentials as TBD Dev Rel Lead with: Damian Schenkelman (Principal Architect @ Auth0), and Neal Roessler (Engineer @ TBD, Block)


AllThingsOpen Conf

What the heck are Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)?

Welcome to the digital movement of SSI, DIDs, DWNs oh my. It get it, we are just doing our best using 1Password and VPNs and at the end of the day we’re all trying to own our data and stop seeing ads about something we just talked about. Which is what Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and DIDs are all about…

Square Inventory API

In this video we create and search for catalog item variations, increase the amount of inventory in stock, and update inventory by removing damaged stock.


Square Gift Card API Sample App

This tutorial is a walk through of our Gift Card API Sample App. The Gift Card API provides endpoints to create and access gift cards as well as link and unlink customers.


Square Cards API

Use the Cards API to save a credit or debit card for a customer. Your application can then charge the card when the customer makes purchases in the future. The API can also be used by a developer-account-registered application to create and charge cards on behalf of a seller account.


Square Customer Search API

With customer profiles stored in a Square account, you have several options to find them and view detailed customer information using the Customers API. These options involve calling the ListCustomers, RetrieveCustomer, and SearchCustomers.


Square Bookings API

You can use the Bookings API to create appointment-based applications that allow a customer of a Square seller to book an appointment for a particular service provided by the seller or one of the seller's team members. In addition to the Bookings API, you are likely to use other related Square APIs, such as the Locations API, Customers API, Team Management API, and Catalog API.


Square Android In-App Payments SDK

This tutorial shows how to use In-App Payments SDK on Android to provide a secure, managed payments client that lets customers enter a card or use a digital wallet for payments.


What Are Card Token Nonces?

n introduction to card token nonces and how they are used to make a one-time payment or store a card on file for future reuse.


In-App Payments Backend Using Ruby

A guide on setting up a Ruby backend to handle a nonce generated from the In-App Payments SDK in your mobile app.


Square In-App Payments SDK

Use In-App Payments SDK to provide a secure, managed payments client with Android, iOS, React Native, or Flutter.


Ruby Conf Philippines

Dylan Wolff and I did a duo talk on "Fostering a Welcoming, Supporting and Productive Environment for Junior Developers" in Bohol, Panglao Island, Philippines.


WicHacks Keynote

Fireside chat keynote for one of the largest all-womens hackathon in world! It was at RIT College of Engineering in Rochester, NY.

Prime Academy, Graduating from a bootcamp school, now what?

June 2016 I spoke to the graduating class of Prime Academy all about what it's like to go from a bootcamp to working full time as a software engineer.